Installation Instructions

BACKUP - Before you start please be sure your system has been backed up. If things go wrong you may need to restore to your original set up. This is most unlikely but just a wise precaution.

On any terminal that needs to address Time Billing, define a Network drive that points to the TimeBillEssentials folder on the network. This must be the same drive in all cases.

On the new terminal to be added, locate the Additional Terminal Setup program you have downloaded from the Internet and double click it to run the program. This should be saved in your Admin folder of TBE for future use. Make sure you read all the instructions and screens as you progress through the process of installation.

Installation Process

Confirm that you wish to continue to install Time Billing Essentials.

On the Welcome screen read what it says and then click the [NEXT] button.

On the License Agreement screen read the license and, if you are satisfied, click the ‘I accept the agreement’ button and then click the [NEXT] button.

On the Information screen read what it says and before continuing be sure it is what you want to do. If you are in any doubt as to what is going to happen then seek advice either using our Contact Us option or calling your hardware supplier.

On the Select Destination Directory you are actually telling the PC where to find the DATA folder. Either click the next button to identify C:\ as default or, if you understand what you are doing, select the location to which you have moved the TimeBillEssentials Folder. NOT THE FOLDER ITSELF but where the folder itself is stored. If you get this right the top line will show ABCD\TimeBillEssentials where ABCD is the folder you selected in the centre section. Use the bottom field to select any required logical drive.

At some time during the whole process you may be warned that the folder into which you are installing already exists. If this happens, allow the program to continue.

On the Select Additional Tasks leave the Create a desktop Icon box clicked if required and click [NEXT].
On the Ready to Install screen check the settings and use the [BACK] button to rectify anything necessary and, when satisfied, click [INSTALL].

Once this is complete click [FINISH] to complete the installation. When the installation is complete click [OK].

Starting the system on the new PC for the first time
Click the Icon and start the program. You will initially be told there is an Invalid System Key. Do you want to edit – answer [YES].

You will see the License Details displayed. Select Shift+Ctrl+F4 to display the Term button. Click the Term button and answer [YES] to the question ‘Is this PC setup as a Terminal’. Finally click [CLOSE] and then reboot the Time Billing and log on in the usual way.

If your system is using Client Server connections you must switch the new terminal to Remote Connection. On the status line at the bottom of the main screen you will see, to the right of the Build number, either Local or Remote and the IP address of your remote data. If this shows Local then you are connected directly through the network drive to the data or if it shows Remote then you are connected to the same data but using Client Server features.

To get the IP address you should look at the status line on the other Terminals to see to what the IP address is set. To set a Terminal to Remote use Shift+Ctrl+F6 to display the Connection Type screen. Select Remote in the connection Type and enter the Remote IP Address as seen on the other terminals. Finally click [OK] and re-start the Time Billing program.