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Time Billing Essentials
Migrating TBE

Many businesses charge for their services based on time expended on certain projects or for the provision of specific services by certain staff at different times and at different rates which might depend on a combination of these factors.

This Time Billing program provides a simple and quick way to record these times, prepare Client bills and update QuickBooks Accounts if used. Furthermore if the staff are paid according to the time spent on projects or providing services then this system will post payments to the Payroll Essentials system.


- Simple to use and quick to get started with minimal setup.

- Prepare and print comprehensive Invoices.

- Post Invoices into QuickBooks Pro.

- Option to post staff payments directly into Payroll.

- Maintains comprehensive billing and payment rates grid.

- Operate for Project billing or Client services/ Staff/ Time band billing.

- Extensive Help and pro-active Hints to improve learning curve.

- Interface with GST Essentials if required.